BC Marine Trails website
The BC Marine Trails website Kayak Resources, BC coast, Kayak Map, Paddling Vancouver is a very interesting resource also for motorized recreational boaters. Here is what Karina Younk, the Board Chair of BC Marine Trails, says:
Our BC Marine Trails website is geared toward non-motorized coastal recreation. However, we have heard from small boaters that they appreciate the detailed site information on our website because they are often anchoring their boats and then using paddleboards or kayaks to land at the sites we list on our map. We also provide on our map information from First Nations communities with whom we have done collaborative site review work. As well, we are very excited to be able to offer a site condition reporting layer where visitors can access the most recent reports and photos about sites.
Our aim is to shift the culture of coastal recreation to a place where visitors to coastal sites do their part to ensure they leave the site even more natural than they found it. That might mean dismantling user-created fire rings, removing or collecting and stowing marine debris, clipping a headland trail to avoid trampling fragile vegetation.
There is a public version of the map that can be easily viewed by all. The member map contains more detailed information about each site, allows for trip planning, site selection, and provides access to the Site Condition Report layer as well as the Canadian Hydrographic Services layer (visible when the use zooms in to a smaller area).